This weekend we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night and all over the country Britons everywhere set fire to things and let things off. While this celebration is steeped in history dating back to the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, let's make sure we stay safe and healthy too, amid all the goo-ey food and drinkies on offer at the events we attend...
It's Halloween and pumpkin time. Take a look at our seriously scary yet fun drinks to celebrate so that you can stay hydrated while enjoying this spooky season. And remember instant boiling water hot taps make fast and easy work of Halloween hot drinks!
With the days getting shorter, we all know that winter is fast approaching. This usually means that the tea and coffee consumption within the workplace drastically increases! Here at Kettle Taps we’ve had a look at the benefits of installing a hot tap in your workplace. Take a look at our latest infographic to find out more.
#organicseptember is the UK’s biggest campaign encouraging people to make organic products a part of their everyday life. Organic doesn’t just include groceries; this term is also used for environmentally friendly health and beauty products! Take a look at our latest infographic to find out more.
You might be surprised to hear that during the brief hot weather spells we’ve experienced recently, drinking hot beverages can actually cool you down! Drinking hot water has also been known to relieve pain and improve your wellbeing. Take a look at our infographic to find out more:
A popular myth claims that there isn’t such a thing as drinking too much water however, research suggests that overhydration can in fact be very dangerous to your health and can carry an array of nasty symptoms! Take a look at our latest infographic to find out more.
With the cold weather setting in and Christmas just around the corner it's important you stay hydrated properly during the winter months! That's why we've put together some handy Winter WellBeing tips to help you!
When you want hot water to make a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, you usually have to wait a long time for the water to boil. Even electric kettles can take a few minutes to heat up the water. Many home owners are now changing to the latest kitchen must have, hot taps to avoid this. Hot taps...
Just because temperatures in the winter are somewhat colder does not mean you still do not need to drink plenty of water. Keeping well hydrated is important in any season, as water provides life-sustaining health benefits, no matter what the temperature is outside. Winter Hydration During the summer, you need to continuously be drinking water whenever you are performing physical...
Maintaining a busy kitchen is not always an easy task. With so many things to do at once, caterers often appreciate some help. For many of them, this comes in the form of a ZIP water heater or a Heatrae Sadia Aqua Tap. Fast, efficient and high quality, the water boilers available on Water Boilers Direct are there to facilitate...