Many people realise that water boilers can increase convenience and offer many benefits to an office, but not everybody thinks about the safety perks that come with them as well. By using boilers, instant hot water taps, or a conjunction of the two, you can increase the overall safety of an office immensely. These options reduce the need for an open heat source, which in turn greatly reduces the risk of hazard, injury, or other heat-related disasters. 

Injury Reduction

Companies that don’t use water boilers to heat their water run a higher risk of burns and other injuries in the office. Without a boiler, heating water requires a burner of some sort, and there’s always a chance that the burner might be left on after the water has been removed. All it takes is a single stray brush of the hand to cause a bad burn. Even if the burner itself is not the issue, the heated water needs to be in a pot or kettle, which also means potential spills and injuries. While the risk isn’t tremendous, it is something that can be eliminated entirely through the use of instant hot water taps.


You should never underestimate the sheer value of convenience that instant hot water taps offer. Getting water immediately from the office water boilers means that employees can get back to their desks quickly, instead of crowding break areas or hallways. This doesn’t sound like much, but you have to think of individual employees like moving parts of a machine – the more that are in the wrong places, the more of a chance there is that something will go wrong. Collisions, spills, and steam burns become much more likely if there are a lot of employees in the area. By being able to get something quickly without the need for a kettle, your employees are reducing the risk of an accident occurring.

Fire Safety

Finally, water boilers mean a reduction in hot surfaces and potential flames in your building. That means there’s no chance of somebody leaving a kettle on too long and setting off a smoke alarm. It means there’s no chance that they might take the kettle off a burner, but forget to turn a burner off. It even reduces the risk of something going wrong on the machine’s end, such as bad wiring causing sparks that might catch fire. Instant hot water taps are simple devices that are easily controlled. There is much less electricity involved and no external heat or flame. That means you can run the water boilers in your office day after day with almost no risk of an accident leading to an office fire.

Instant hot water taps are a good way to improve office safety as a whole. While the accidents a boiler might prevent seem minor, it only takes one to cost a company thousands of pounds, and to do long-term damage to the unfortunate employee.