Most of us are aware that staying hydrated is essential in order to feel healthy and look good, but were you also aware that men and women have a different set of requirements that quite often goes totally unnoticed? Here we will look at these details and discuss exactly why and how we should try even harder to stay hydrated nowadays.

Why so Different?

A woman’s body is rather more complicated than that of a man and a lot of this can be attributed to the fact that they give birth to children. The way that monthly periods affect the progesterone and estrogen levels has a huge effect on the way a woman is able to hydrate effectively.

When Women Dehydrate

The effects of dehydration hit ladies in much the same way as a man would react. Just look at a gym workout for example, once we sweat, we start to lose large amounts of fluids and vital electrolytes that are needed for normal bodily functions. Once this supply becomes depleted, it is essential that we top up as soon as possible. Men and women are both hit with waves of dizziness and achy feelings once dehydration starts to take over.

Difference in the Sexes!

The fairer sex has a myriad of differences that need to be considered with regards to treating dehydration. Women are far more likely to suffer from heat stroke and exhaustion and will experience indigestion problems whilst exercising 5 more times than a male in the same scenario. Blood volume is one of the main reasons for these disparities and we are back to the estrogen and progesterone factors once more. During the premenstrual cycle, a female will lose about 8 percent of her plasma volume, and this will increase the chances and timescale of exercise related fatigue kicking in.  Sodium levels are also affected and if the lady in question is taking a birth control pill, these figures are even more increased.

Rehydration 101

The daily recommend guide for drinking water is 8 glasses a day. The best practice to avoid dehydration is to ensure you are drinking the right amount of water throughout the day. Why not download the Drink Alarm app onto your desktop at work or at home to monitor your water intake or use it when you’re on the go on your iPhone! Staying hydrated has never been easier!