It is no secret that we Brits love a cup of tea in the afternoon, in     fact, we happen to be partial to it pretty much any time night and day! Taking a sip of this delicious beverage has been traditional for us since the days of the 7 th Duchess of Bedford back in 1840 or thereabouts. Perhaps you may be surprised to learn that afternoon tea, in particular, is even more popular today than ever and that 11 th – 17 th August is recognised as National Afternoon Tea Week. For these reasons we are going to take a closer look at why this traditional activity has seen something of a renaissance in recent times.

Indulgence and Opulence

Fans of TV sitcoms may be able to recall Hyacinth Bucket and her fascination with keeping up appearances a few decades ago. The very idea of afternoon tea conjures up images of rather well to do families and getting together over some delicious food and drink. In fact, visitors to our country are convinced that this ritual is part and parcel of every good citizen’s daily routine.

Tea and ?

So what is afternoon tea all about then? Well, the star of the show has to be a piping hot china teapot full of the good stuff and it’s usually surrounded by a small mountain of finger sandwiches and topped off nicely with scones, jam and cream. What is not to like, and who could turn down such a quintessential English treasure? This trend has seen a revival in recent times and cafes and restaurants all over the country are laying on their own version of this classic British treat.

Hot Taps Make Sense!

For those moments when you absolutely need some herbal or traditional English tea, but don’t want to wait the 3 or 4 minutes it takes to fill and boil that old kettle, why not look into installing a Hot Tap of your own? Stats show that the average Brit spends in excess of 10 minutes a day waiting for the kettle to boil and three quarters of British households waste up to £68 million a year over filling their kettles!  The water from a hot tap is also filtered meaning you avoid any unwanted odours and tastes in your cup of Rosy Lee! They also add some serious function and form to any modern kitchen and come in a variety of designs and models.   You can find out more about the benefits of this latest kitchen must have here.